Genetic Testing at Infinity Wellness Center
Unlock the Power of Your Genes to Optimize Health
At Infinity Wellness Center, we believe that understanding your genetic makeup is essential to achieving optimal health. Our Genetic Testing services provide valuable insights into how your body functions at the most fundamental level, helping us create a personalized plan to prevent disease, manage chronic conditions, and enhance overall wellness.
What is Genetic Testing in Functional Medicine?
Genetic testing involves analyzing specific genes, chromosomes, and proteins to detect variations that may contribute to health concerns. Unlike standard medical testing, our approach focuses on identifying genetic predispositions that influence metabolism, detoxification, hormone balance, and nutrient absorption.
By understanding your genetic blueprint, we can design a highly targeted health strategy that empowers you to take control of your well-being.
Nutrition and Your Genes
It used to be that if you spoke of genetic testing, it conjured up images of weird science, crime labs, or medical procedures only celebrities or the very rich could afford. But nutritional genetic testing is fast becoming the cornerstone of modern day functional medicine — a very high tech, yet also very simple (and increasingly affordable) means of streamlining the treatment process by getting to the root of the problem quickly.
Nutrigenomic testing involves a non-invasive cheek swab procedure that evaluates 26 genes in five key areas for SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms), commonly called “snips.” These snips, or defects in the gene, identify irregularities at the gene level that prevent a person from absorbing or processing certain nutrients and/or producing certain hormones necessary for peak wellness.
The five areas of emphasis include methylation and neurotransmission, mitochondrial function, bowel health from an enzyme standpoint, detoxification of chemicals, and immune system health. By alerting medical professionals to genetic defects in one or more of these areas, testing enables us to make knowledgeable choices early in the treatment process.
We offer genetic testing in our office with the analysis through Genomix Labs. This is the preferable lab as it is the most time and cost effective.
We can analyze outside genetic reports as well (23 and ME) and formulate your specific protocol, but it does take longer.
Focusing on the science of nutrients and genetic expression differs from traditional medicine in that it is more specific, much more personal, and it removes a lot of the guesswork. Conventional medicine lumps patients with similar ailments together, and adheres to a broad, generalized treatment protocol often made up of trial and error. When the first “prescription” — be it medicine or lifestyle change — doesn’t work, doctors move on until they find one that offers some relief, at least temporarily. But that doesn’t get to the “why” of the problem.
For example, a blood test, which is routine in most annual office visits, may tell you that you are deficient in Vitamin D. If you eat properly and get regular healthy exposure to sunlight, this finding may not make sense, but the symptoms are there and blood work doesn’t lie. The blood test has told you a “what,” but not a “why.”
The problem with relying solely on blood tests is that blood work only shows how things are at that moment. Genetic testing reveals how the cells and genes express themselves all the time. A genetic panel can reveal a defect that prevents you from absorbing Vitamin D. Now the blood work makes sense and your medical practitioner knows how to proceed.
Through nutritional genetic testing, we can identify both good and bad genes, and of those, which ones function as they should and which ones don’t. More importantly, the test helps us disable bad genes by specifically supporting the good genes that aren’t working as they should through targeted nutritional support.
This approach has enabled many to detox infections and treat ailments like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue naturally, without medicine. While defected genes cannot be “fixed”, addressing problems at the genetic level better allows the body to heal itself.
Infinity Wellness Center professionals are committed to this high tech method to achieve natural wellness and have studied (and continue to study) under Medical Expert Kendal Stewart, M.D., neurotologist/genomic specialist, a pioneer in nutrigenomic testing, to offer you the latest, most up-to-date genetic testing services.
Nutrigenetic Testing
MTHFR has become a buzzword! Do we test for the MTHFR gene? Yes, we do! But it is only 2 of 12 genes we test in the Methylation pathway.
Unlike other labs, we are not looking at just 1 or 2 genes. Looking at isolated genes will not give us the whole picture. We are looking at entire pathways. For example just looking at the MTHFR genes is looking at just 2 of the 12 genes in the methylation pathway. A major methylation defect can easily be missed this way.
Our test looks at five different areas of possible genetic defects.
- Methylation (MTHFR)
- Detoxification
- Neurochemistry
- Energy Production
- Inflammation Control.
- And a bonus section of health precautions including hypertension and thyroid disorders
Defects or SNPs in any of thee pathways can cause symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, GI Issues, chronic infections, and neurosensory disorders. Finding where the SNPs are will allow us to make biochemical changes to allow the pathways to express properly despite the defects.
Here is a list of the genes we look at:
- Methylation:
GIF - Neurotransmitter Section:
GAD1 - Energy Production (Mitochondrial Function):
ATP5C1 - Detoxification Pathways:
SOD2 - Inflammation Control:
VDRTaq - Health Precautions:
Our test is a huge value at less than $1000 for testing over 55 gene mutations. Some labs charge a $200-300 for just 1 or 2 genes.
Relief for MTHFR Gene Mutation
To learn what Genetic “SNP’s” may be causing imbalance in your body.
With the exception of identical twins, there are small differences between individuals in terms of the information that is contained in their DNA. It’s these differences that make each of us unique. For example, one DNA base or
Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase, otherwise known as MTHFR, is a genetic mutation affecting roughly 45% of the population in the U.S. – with the larger percentage of this group currently having one of the two genes mutated. While exact numbers are hard to verify, one mutation on C677T means .you are probably methylating (converting) folate into methylfolate at 40-60% efficiency. If you have two mutations, that number drops to approximately 10% efficiency. This can be a huge factor in dealing with many disorders including:
- headaches
- gut health
- difficulty losing weight
- difficulty detoxing
- fatigue
- immunity
- anxiety
- depression
- macular degeneration
- heart disease
- stroke
- miscarriages
MTHFR is a gene and like all genes, it acts as a light switch – turning on or turning off various body processes. In this matter, MTHFR takes folate (vitamin B9) and methylates (converts) it into methylfolate (5-methylTHF). This is a huge barrier for healing for many people including autistic children, as well as those who suffer from Lyme Disease and Chronic Fatigue. If you belong to an Autism, Lyme, Pandas, or Chronic Fatigue support group, Methylation (MTHFR) is the buzz word.
Over the past decade, MTHFR has been studied in terms of cardiovascular disease and cancer, but there is so much more. It also often shows up in children with developmental, neurological, or behavioral symptoms and for those fighting chronic infections to no avail.
If you study the methylation diagram below, you can get an idea of why methylation is vital to disease prevention. Think of methylation as a kind of metabolism. Imagine the insides of a clock with many cogs, each cog regulating specific chemical reactions.
These biochemical reactions occur in our bodies billions of times per second. If you look at the middle of the picture you will see that the MTHFR gene sits at a critical point. In the diagram above you can see the MTHFR gene is a vital catalyst. It creates the reaction and conversion of one chemical to the other. If you have a glitch that keeps this gene from doing its job, the reactions/conversions don’t happen properly or at all. Instead of the light switch being on or off, it becomes stuck in some sort of dimmer switch mode, functioning, but not nearly as well as it should be. This, not coincidentally, is how a lot of people with the MTHFR defect feel – dim.
The proper interaction of methylfolate and Methyl-B12 is what drives your body’s ability to fuel every cell in your body with energy (this is what’s going on in the diagram). Methyl-B12 regulates certain T-cells that play a role in some autoimmune diseases. Improper methylation also raises your levels of homocysteine in most cases (See the homocysteine part of the diagram above). This can greatly increase your risks for heart disease, stroke, macular degeneration, dementia, and some cancers (e.g. lung, colon and leukemia). It also impedes your ability to manufacture glutathione (bottom right of diagram), the body’s master antioxidant (the “sanitation engineer”) that plays a critical role in autism treatments, chronic Lyme disease, and some tick born co-infections.
MTHFR literature also discusses the role of MTHFR mutations and increased miscarriages. Insufficient levels of methylfolate are linked to neural tube defects, which is why pregnant women are told to take supplements of folic acid. But if your body has a faulty MTHFR gene, it cannot properly convert folate into methyl folate.
Looking again at the diagram above, notice the “BH4 cycle”. MTHFR plays a direct role in how well the BH4 cycle works – and the BH4 cycle controls those two neurotransmitters that are so essential to people with behavioral and emotional imbalances – serotonin and dopamine. One mutation on C677T means you’re probably methylating (converting) folate into methylfolate at 40-60% efficiency. If you have two mutations, that number drops to only about 10% efficiency. By following the arrow you can see the impact on the production/conversion of serotonin and dopamine and why knowing about this gene can be important to those who struggle with mood and behavioral disorders.
In our office we also run neurotransmitter testing to detect low serotonin and dopamine. Finding and correcting the low level has a huge potential impact for how some kids and even long term suffering adults might be helped.
While MTHFR plays a large role in proper function of the brain and body, the good news is that the effects of the mutated gene can be overcome with a methylated form of B9.
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