As we head into cold and flu season, with a pandemic to worry about on top of that, we should be doing everything we can to make sure our immune systems are as strong as possible. Did you know that the two major systems that control your immune system are, your nervous system and the good, friendly bacteria (probiotics) in your gut? While taking a good quality probiotic daily is certainly recommended… how can you make your nervous system work more optimally?
Just like you service your car with oil changes and tire rotation every ~ 5,000 miles… it is wise to keep your spine and nerves ‘tuned up’ so that your nervous system functions better and communicated with you immune system organs.
Per a recent Study – “favorable effects of acupuncture on the immune functions appear 72 hours after the single session and persist one month after the end of the complete treatment. Impaired immune functions in anxious women (chemotaxis, phagocytosis, lymphoproliferation and NK activity) were significantly improved by acupuncture, and augmented immune parameters (superoxide anion levels and lymphoproliferation of the patient subgroup whose values had been too high) were significantly diminished. Acupuncture brought the above mentioned parameters to values closer to those of healthy controls, exerting a modulatory effect on the immune system.”
We hear patients telling us all the time, that since getting treated by Dr. Wards – they do not get sick as often and when they do, their bodies are able to handle and fight off the infection better & quickly!
In my opinion, and according to many medical researchers, there may be better alternatives to the flu shot.
Natural remedies for the flu include vitamins C and D, herbal supplements, probiotics and eating healthy. As a flu preventative we are combining two products:
These are to be taken at the same time one time per week from September to May. If you do experience flu or cold symptoms we have the homeopathic remedy Cold & Flu with Echinacea. Upon symptoms take 1-6 sprays orally, four times daily. Can be taken every 15 minutes for the first 3-6 hours the first day