London's Birth Story
At 40 weeks, after trying every trick in the book - and I mean EVERYTHING, to start labor early naturally (yes "early naturally" is an oxymoron) to no avail, I was induced on my due date. We were told by most everyone, including our doctors, a drug free birth is darn near impossible after a Pitocin induction as it makes contractions more intense. "Prepare yourself for an epidural and most likely you'll end up in a c-section" I was told more than once. NOT these girls! I figured since this is my first baby, I wouldn't know the difference ...and just told myself that if "more intense" is what labor is for me then that's what it is - GO TIME! After an INTENSE but short 11 hours of active labor, London came peacefully into the world in an LED candle lit with soft music playing birthing room at St. David's Central. With tears in our eyes Michael and I sang "happy birthday" to welcome our baby girl.
I could not have done it without an amazing birth team! Enormous thanks to our doula Charlotte who posted a sign on the door that read "Natural Birth in Progress please only offer wisdom and support, instead of medication". She also kept me in hypnosis (hypno-babies) a good amount of the birth, which was a huge help for pain management. Also, my dear friend Lacy, who reminded me this is a dance between me and London and to let is flow. God bless my courageous husband with his Bradley birthing techniques, running interference, and his strength to hold me up emotionally, and physically at times!
Our nurse at St. David's, Michelle, must have been a mid-wife in another life - she was wonderful and calmly talked this type A/knows too much patient through it step by step. Our MD, who let me go longer when other MDs would not, and for sneaking in and out of the room like Batman checking in on me (who finally admits close to the end that he was thoroughly impressed as he was waiting to write an epidural order all day) perhaps i stuck it out just to spite them all!!!
It was a beautiful experience, and I am sooo thankful that western medicine was there when needed and that I got the birth I wanted drug free for London where we were all the safest we could be. The hospital completely respected our birth plan, and didn't blink an eye when I told them I wanted to wear my clothes versus a hospital gown because I was NOT sick, I'm simply having a baby. Creating as non-medical an environment as I could was extremely important for me to stay on course.
She had to spend time being monitored closely as she came out having low blood sugar issues for a few days, but she pulled through just fine and is PERFECT! She received her first Chiropractic adjustment just a few short hours after she arrived. She worked really hard to get out and put lots of pressure on her spine! Her first cervical vertebra and a few thoracic vertebrae needed to be aligned - they made a huge cavitation (popping sound) upon alignment. Now her nerve system is able to communicate perfectly, and her immune system is boosted. Power on London!
In my journey into motherhood, I learned what it means to surrender, trust God and believe in my body. Thank you all for your prayers and support and for those of you who also love her already. We couldn't be more in love or more blessed!!What I know to be true so far as a mom:
- It is way harder than grad school, running a business, being a doctor, and even presiding over Texas women in business. But way cooler too!
- I most certainly owe my mother an apology letter for every moment I made her worry (Intentionally and unintentionally) about me.
- I am certain the baby is an energy pack, being near her is like having adrenaline directly hooked up to your veins at all the times. (Think jack Nicolson in The Shining) Small breaks are needed or else you would stay amped up and never sleep, eat or bathe
- Parenting should not be attempted alone. Back up is needed, so pick good partner! And stick together, she can smell a weakness in the alliance and will take us down if given the chance - I know it.
- Lastly, advice like sleep when the baby sleeps should be taken as if it is the gospel truth!