Inflammation and Pain
Meet Mary who is like many others today living with pain. Waking early from a fitful night with little rest, she moves through her day navigating between chronic pain and the few moments of relief anti-inflammatory drugs offer. Living in a fog of pain and despair, her life isn't all that uncommon. Mary's world of pain and despair is due to inflammation as her body is attacking itself. Millions suffer as she does, thinking there is no hope for relief. They are wrong; you can do something about it. Take a look at your daily routine. You might be surprised at the toxic choices you make. First thing in the morning, you head out without breakfast. You stop at the fuel station for a coffee and muffin on the way to the office. That cappuccino and muffin are loaded with inflammatory fats, sugars, and processed carbohydrates. Lunch is a fast-food burger or perhaps something from a vending machine. This is the daily routine for far too many individuals causing inflamed tissues and pain. If this is you, you can do something about it and beat the pain with healthy choices.
Why Some Foods Cause Inflammation
Many of the foods you may eat daily contain trans-fats, artificial ingredients and processed sugars that are waging war on your body. Your immune system sees fatty acids, sugars, and trans-fats as foreign invaders, attacking them with plasma and infection-fighting white blood cells. Good health begins in your kitchen with making and eating healthy food choices. It helps you maintain a healthy weight, reduces stress on your joints and gives you more energy. That said, there are certain types of foods that are proven to help reduce painful irritation and foods that should be avoided. Removing margarine, processed carbohydrates and refined sugars from your diet improve your health while reducing inflammation and pain. Removing margarine, processed carbohydrates and refined sugars from your diet improve your health while reducing inflammation and pain. Other inflammation causing foods include red meats, processed meats, and animal fats. Do your best to stay away from fried foods and soft drinks, as well. Eliminating the excess sugars and simple carbohydrates reduce inflammation while lowering your risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular problems.Foods That Fight Inflammation
There are many healthy food choices that also help reduce inflammation. Foods with Vitamin C fights inflammation. Choosing a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy Omega 3 fats instead of processed foods will help reduce the pain and inflammation. Inflammation-Fighting Foods:- Leafy greens
- Omega 3 rich proteins like tuna, nuts, and beans
- Fresh fruit like citrus, strawberries, and cranberries
- Fresh herbs, dried herbs including oregano, basil, turmeric and cinnamon
- Cayenne pepper
- Ginger and Turmeric